repair attemts

Relationship Repair 101

“Like gardens, relationships need tending to.” ~ Peg Streep You just had a major fight with your significant other. You are moping around the house, avoiding each other, because you both said some pretty hurtful things. Then you go to bed feeling discouraged and lonely, wondering how you can ever bounce back from a blowout […]

healing from anxiety of 2020

Healing from the Anxiety of 2020

Compared with 2019, three times more people today are experiencing symptoms of anxiety disorder and four times as many people are experiencing a depressive disorder. About 10% more people started or increased substance use because of COVID-19. And in 2020, twice the number of people reported seriously considering suicide in the past 30 days compared […]

Questions to Get You Out of the Quarantine Slump

The days seem to blend together in this Groundhog Day that is COVID-19 quarantine. I would like to suggest six questions that will cause introspection and perhaps prompt you to certain actions that will lift your spirits.  Hi, again. It’s me, still in quarantine. How are you doing? Hanging in there? I know, this entire […]

starting therapy

What to Expect When You Are Expecting…To Start Therapy

“Psychotherapy can be one of the greatest and most rewarding adventures, it can bring with it the deepest feelings of personal worth, of purpose and richness in living.” ~ Eda Leshan In 2018, 56.7% of U.S. adults with a mental illness did not receive treatment. Maybe you are thinking about seeing a therapist…but you have […]