Adding Affection To Your Agenda - Cluff Counseling - Denton Couples Therapist

Adding Affection To Your Agenda

“Great marriages don’t happen by luck or by accident. They are the result of a consistent investment of time, thoughtfulness, forgiveness, affection, prayer, mutual respect, and a rock-solid commitment between a husband and wife.” ~Dave Willis Last month I posted about scheduling time to be with your partner sexually. In this post, I want to […]

Adding Sex to Your Agenda - Cluff Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy

Adding Sex to Your Agenda

“We all need attention, affection, and the feeling of being appreciated in our life, and it is great when you can give and get that from your partner on a regular basis.” —Lawrence Lovell If you are like me, anything and everything important needs to go in my calendar. If I want to get something […]

The Best Form of Self-care - Forgiveness - Cluff Counseling - Lewisville Therapist

The Best Form of Self-care: Forgiveness

Have you ever wondered why it is easier to forgive others than it is to forgive yourself? Unfortunately, there is no trick to learning to forgive oneself–it just takes time and patience. Even when we have learned how to offer forgiveness to others, forgiving ourselves is a difficult, yet crucial step we all must work […]

Finding Your Strengths - Cluff Counseling - Lewisville Therapist

Finding Your Strengths

If you’ve ever been asked the question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” in a job interview or on a date, you probably immediately noticed your heart racing. While acknowledging weaknesses can be quite easy, recognizing and articulating one’s strengths is quite difficult. Let’s change that, starting with YOU, today! Just last week, I was […]

Measuring Your Success - Cluff Counseling, Lewisville Marriage & Family Therapist - Type

Measuring Your Success

Legendary basketball coach, John Wooden, says success is, “…peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” Are you doing your best to reach your 2018 resolutions? As April approaches (and with it my birthday!), I have been thinking […]