How Honesty Can Save Your Relationships

“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living and truth loving.” ~James E. Faust When we talk about honesty in relationships, our minds often go straight to deception–to lies, to manipulation, to ruined relationships. We think about honesty in relationships in terms of whether someone lies to their partner […]

MENtal Health: How are the Men in Your Life Doing?

“Men suffer a lot behind the mask of manliness.” —Vineet Aggarwal Last week I went out for TexMex with my closest friends. While we enjoyed our chips and salsa, everyone went around the table giving little updates about themselves and their families. When we got to my newlywed friend she told us how coparenting with […]

porn affects ALL relationships

Porn: The Secret Intruder on Relationships

“When sex becomes easy to view, love becomes difficult to find.” ~Fight the New Drug There was once a Dutch biologist named Nikolaas Tinbergen who made a fascinating conclusion through a famous experiment. He created cardboard cutouts of butterflies that were attractive to their mates by color and movement. He decided to paint these cardboard […]

how to get kids to talk

How to Get Kids to Talk

“The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day.”  ~O. A. Battista Have you ever wished that your child would open up more  to you? Like really open up to you? The highs, the lows, friends, school, drama, life, goals, problems, choices…all of it. You are […]

inner peace during turbulent times

Finding Inner Peace in Turbulent Times

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King Junior The world is in complete commotion. With the Pandemic, the elections, and everything in between, we might feel like we are living in a blender. Life is hard, scary, and […]