Cluff Counseling - Sleep for Health

Sleep…It Does a Body Good!

Is your mind racing when you lay down at night to go to sleep? Does your growing to-do list keep you awake for hours on end–even when you are exhausted and know you need a solid night’s rest? These 6 simple ideas can help you sleep better. There is a Parks and Recreation episode where […]

The Key to Slowing Down in a Fast-Paced World

We are busy people leading crazy lives. Our days are full of dishes to wash, mounds of laundry to fold, incessantly buzzing phones, and people demanding our attention. Some days it may even get to the point that we wonder if we can actually squeeze everything in. How do you reconcile your hectic reality with […]

Doing the Things You Enjoy Can Help Your Anxiety

Life is stressful. Whether it is deadlines at work, final exams in school, a breakup with a significant other, or simply the daily rig-a-ma-roll of life, chances are high that you feel anxious from time to time. Anxiety is a normal part of life in our society; everyone experiences it in some degree or another. […]

Self-care: Is it Selfish?

Life can be draining. We are constantly surrounded by a barrage of common, everyday stressors like financial strain; employment, unemployment or deployment; addiction; sickness; or familial discord. If we are not careful, life’s demands can overwhelm, frustrate, or discourage us. Self-care is a tried-and-true method prescribed by therapists, and other professionals, to help clients improve […]