powering down

Powering Down to Recharge

“Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have.” ~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar You feel restless. Your eating habits have changed. You are awake at all hours of the night. You have lost all motivation. You have no energy or desire to socialize. You cannot concentrate. […]

The Link Between Insomnia and Mental Illness

“I’ve always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed.”  ~ David Benioff (co-creator of Game of Thrones) Surely you have experienced a poor night’s sleep. You wake up feeling […]

“Bookending” Your Day With Morning and Evening Routines

We are all aware of using either morning or nightly routines to be productive and either jumpstart our morning or end the day on a positive note. But how many of us use both morning and nightly routines with the intent of reaching our goals? In September, I wrote in detail about nightly routines, and […]

Cluff Counseling - Sleep for Health

Sleep…It Does a Body Good!

Is your mind racing when you lay down at night to go to sleep? Does your growing to-do list keep you awake for hours on end–even when you are exhausted and know you need a solid night’s rest? These 6 simple ideas can help you sleep better. There is a Parks and Recreation episode where […]

Self-care: Is it Selfish?

Life can be draining. We are constantly surrounded by a barrage of common, everyday stressors like financial strain; employment, unemployment or deployment; addiction; sickness; or familial discord. If we are not careful, life’s demands can overwhelm, frustrate, or discourage us. Self-care is a tried-and-true method prescribed by therapists, and other professionals, to help clients improve […]