MENtal Health: How are the Men in Your Life Doing?

“Men suffer a lot behind the mask of manliness.” —Vineet Aggarwal Last week I went out for TexMex with my closest friends. While we enjoyed our chips and salsa, everyone went around the table giving little updates about themselves and their families. When we got to my newlywed friend she told us how coparenting with […]

neuroplasticity and addiction recovery

Neuroplasticity and Addiction Recovery

“Our brains renew themselves throughout life to an extent previously not thought possible.” ~Michael S. Gazzanica The human brain is incredibly complex.  I recently wrote a blog post about the brain’s amazing ability to “learn new tricks.” I simply explained how synapses form new neural pathways, which leads to patterns and habits, and eventually forms […]

9/11 silhouette

Remembering and Moving Forward: Reaching for Safety

“When Americans lend a hand to one another, nothing is impossible. We’re not about what happened on 9/11. We’re about what happened on 9/12.” —Jeff Parness, founder of New York Says Thank You It was my Sophomore year at college. I was not, and am not, a morning person, so my first class did not […]

Remembering and Moving Forward: 20+ Years in the Making

Our guest blogger recounts her experience, as a child, during 9/11. She relates it to the internal and external safety we need, all the time, not only after times of national tragedy. Guest blogger, Lydia Judd likens our nation’s experience after 9/11 of increasing our external safety and how we need to look inward and […]

healing from anxiety of 2020

Healing from the Anxiety of 2020

Compared with 2019, three times more people today are experiencing symptoms of anxiety disorder and four times as many people are experiencing a depressive disorder. About 10% more people started or increased substance use because of COVID-19. And in 2020, twice the number of people reported seriously considering suicide in the past 30 days compared […]