Q&A: Is My Anxiety Curable?
We ALL feel worried from time to time, and anxiety is one of the most common diagnosed mental health disorders. In this Q&A post, let me answer a frequently asked question about anxiety: Is it curable?
We ALL feel worried from time to time, and anxiety is one of the most common diagnosed mental health disorders. In this Q&A post, let me answer a frequently asked question about anxiety: Is it curable?
About 20% of Americans with an anxiety or other mood disorder (like depression) also have an alcohol or other substance use disorder. Do you get anxious when you have to speak in front of an audience, take a test, or talk with a superior? Or maybe when you are facing debt, in an argument with […]
“I’ve always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed.” ~ David Benioff (co-creator of Game of Thrones) Surely you have experienced a poor night’s sleep. You wake up feeling […]
“Eating today has become this idea that the food on your fork can either kill you or cure you. It’s gotten to a point of almost religious fervor.” ~ Evelyn Tribole Babies cry, eat, and then stop sucking when they have had enough milk. Children naturally balance their food intake from day to day — […]
For many, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) means avid hand-washing, excessive organizing, color-coding and deep cleaning. Though associating OCD with these habits isn’t exactly wrong, it leaves out an important part of the picture. You may be familiar with Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets who plays the part of an author with OCD. Throughout […]