Cluff Counseling - The Beauty of Journaling

The Beauty of Journaling

Some of the most influential people in history kept detailed journals of their lives. Those journals are both a permanent record for posterity, as well as a cathartic release for the people writing them. Even if you don’t think you need either, keeping a journal has benefits you can enjoy immediately. Imagine you had a […]

Creating Conversation Around Your Mental Illness

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 5 American adults experiences mental illness in a given year. That is 43.8 million people! You are not alone in this arduous struggle. Even though so many face this trial, there is often a great amount of shame that comes with mental illness that […]

How to Give The Perfect Valentine’s Gift

If there were a way that your partner could know exactly how to please you or let you know he/she loves you, would you want to learn more about it? Imagine how happy it would make you feel if your partner communicated love to you in a way that really spoke to you! Well, such […]

7 Practical Steps to Cool Down in the Face of Conflict-Cluff Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy

7 Practical Steps to Cool Down in the Face of Conflict

We have all had conversations where we started to talk calmly about something inconsequential with our partner, but find ourselves in a boxing match where the viability of our relationship seems threatened.  To aid you in staying out of the boxing ring, try these seven ideas to diffuse conflict. In last month’s post on relationship […]

Communication in the Bedroom - Cluff Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy

Reclaiming the Bedroom, Part III: Communication in the Bedroom

Part 1: Benefits of Sex” and “Part 2: Hindrances to Sex” have laid the foundation for this third and final blog post in our series on reclaiming the bedroom. We all know that sex is good for us–both individually and as a couple–and we also know that life sometimes gets in the way of healthy, […]