Expressing Compassion to Those That Are Different Than You

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” ~ Dalai Lama Last month, David Archuleta shared a heartfelt, vulnerable post on social media about his sexuality. It caught the attention of thousands of followers and sparked many conversations online and in-person. I was struck by the many comments on his post–they were overwhelmingly supportive, […]

thank you and goodbye 2020

Dear 2020, Thank You and Goodbye

Dear 2020, Thank you and goodbye. You certainly were an unusual year! It feels a bit like the world was a snow globe, and was thoroughly shaken up. Now that 2021 is starting, we can tell you what we really thought of you.  At the beginning of March, I started participating in a women’s book […]

inner peace during turbulent times

Finding Inner Peace in Turbulent Times

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King Junior The world is in complete commotion. With the Pandemic, the elections, and everything in between, we might feel like we are living in a blender. Life is hard, scary, and […]

Unity in divisive times

Seeking Common Ground During These Divisive Times

“We are different; we always have been and always will be. However, different shouldn’t divide us, but unify us because different is an asset.” ~ Elizabeth Margo We live in a time that can be very divisive. While it is not uncommon for politicians to publicly demean one another, it is becoming more of the […]

conecting with spouse

Simple Ways to Strengthen the Connection With the Woman in Your Life

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tzu With all the uncertainty and stress that has come with 2020, you may have found yourself craving closeness with your loved ones more than ever before. This is because humans are wired for connection; it is part […]