Perfectly Imperfect: Overcoming Perfectionism One Day at a Time

“Perfectionism is not a quest for the best. It is a pursuit of the worst in ourselves, the part that tells us that nothing we do will ever be good enough.” — Julia Cameron Several years ago, my friend made a quilt for her brother for Christmas. Because she is a novice sewer, she shared […]

Finding Gratitude in Hard Times

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” –Doris Day Several years ago, I went to my friend’s parent’s home and I will never forget the experience. I knew they had struggled with unemployment and money issues for many years yet the feelings of love and warmth in that home overwhelmed me and have stuck with me […]

first world probs

Finding Gratitude Amidst Our #FirstWorldProblems

With responsibilities and frustrations stretching us thin, my hope is we see how our first world problems can be on our gratitude list–this holiday season and always.


Friendsgiving: When Friends Become Your Family

“Friends are the family you choose.” — Jess C. Scott Sandra’s Friendsgiving story is one several of us can relate to: She was far from home, and getting back to her family for Thanksgiving was not feasible. She decided to have her own gathering with people she was close to and wanted to be with. […]

perpetual gratitude

The Perpetual Art of Gratitude

“I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.” ~ Will Arnett Well, we are now safely into December. Thanksgiving and her season of gratitude has passed…but what if we are still searching for thankfulness and contentment? Last post I wrote about the ABCs of gratitude–where […]