Finding Gratitude in Hard Times

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” –Doris Day Several years ago, I went to my friend’s parent’s home and I will never forget the experience. I knew they had struggled with unemployment and money issues for many years yet the feelings of love and warmth in that home overwhelmed me and have stuck with me […]


Friendsgiving: When Friends Become Your Family

“Friends are the family you choose.” — Jess C. Scott Sandra’s Friendsgiving story is one several of us can relate to: She was far from home, and getting back to her family for Thanksgiving was not feasible. She decided to have her own gathering with people she was close to and wanted to be with. […]

ABCs of gratitude

November Gratitude: A Ruminators Guide to Being Content in the Now

“Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.” —Socrates We all have down days where we feel discouraged, defeated and troubled. Ruminating, however, is when we experience excessive, intrusive, and negative thoughts about experiences and feelings for an extended period of time. For example, a person with a history of trauma may be unable to […]


Home of the Free(doms)

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” ~ Nelson Mandela The Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day or July 4th, has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941. From 1776 to […]

The Bright Side to COVID-19

Despite the drawbacks and disappointment that have accompanied these unprecedented times, we can start to see the bright side of COVID and its unexpected effects.  I will be the first to admit that a worldwide pandemic has not exactly been the highlight of my year– in fact, it has been quite the opposite. From college […]