Finding Happiness After Pain - Cluff Counseling, Denton Therapist

Finding Happiness After Hurt

Life isn’t fair: people are unkind, injustices happen, and life sometimes seems to have dealt us a pretty hard hand. Here are practical tips to overcome emotional pain and find happiness. Every day I see clients who are hurting. Some are suffering from childhood trauma, others from addiction, chronic illness, or the unexpected ending of […]

Cluff Counseling - Sleep for Health

Sleep…It Does a Body Good!

Is your mind racing when you lay down at night to go to sleep? Does your growing to-do list keep you awake for hours on end–even when you are exhausted and know you need a solid night’s rest? These 6 simple ideas can help you sleep better. There is a Parks and Recreation episode where […]

Bipolar Disorder | Cluff Counseling

The Swinging Pendulum of Bipolar Disorder

What do Sinead O’Conner, Demi Lovato, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and the late Carrie Fisher all have in common?  They are some of the 5.7 million American adults who suffer from bipolar disorder.  This is not a rare condition; 2.6% of our population experiences the markedly different mood swings that characterize this disorder–the prolonged state of depression […]

Cluff Counseling - Anxiety & Depression Counseling

The Cure for Loneliness

Americans are lonelier than ever. According to Public Radio International, about 50.2 percent or 124.6 million American adults are single today. In the 1950s, that number was around 22 percent! What has caused this great rise in isolation? In a recent article, featured both in Forbes and Psychology Today, author Caroline Beaton shares a compelling […]