Facing the Holidays Alone - Cluff Counseling - Denton Therapist

Facing the Holidays Alone

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”…unless you are experiencing the absence of a loved one this Christmas. Grief and loneliness come in waves and sometimes these feelings are felt more intense than other times, which can make the holiday season a difficult time. This post is written to those who are lonely and […]

7 Practical Steps to Cool Down in the Face of Conflict-Cluff Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy

7 Practical Steps to Cool Down in the Face of Conflict

We have all had conversations where we started to talk calmly about something inconsequential with our partner, but find ourselves in a boxing match where the viability of our relationship seems threatened.  To aid you in staying out of the boxing ring, try these seven ideas to diffuse conflict. In last month’s post on relationship […]

Reliving the Horrors - PTSD - Cluff Counseling, Trauma & EMDR Therapy

Reliving the Horrors: PTSD

PTSD is powerful and can change how people think, feel, act, interact with others, and see the world. It is estimated 8% or 24.4 million Americans will experience PTSD at a given time…that’s the entire state of Texas! PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder and can develop in someone who experiences a shocking, scary, or […]

Gratitude - Cluff Counseling - Dallas Therapist

Gifts of Gratitude

It’s easy to feel grateful when all is going well, but when your computer crashes, your car needs new brakes, or your to-do list is piled sky high, it is hard to notice what is going well. Ironically, these difficult times are exactly when we can practice gratitude and see the greatest results. Of all […]

ADHD - Cluff Counseling - Lewisville Therapist

ADHD At a Glance

In November of 2013, a report was released showing that up to 11 percent of children aged 4-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives–a 7.8 percent from 2003. In adults, the rate is much lower (about 4 percent), but experts caution that since adults who were not diagnosed in childhood […]