5 Ways You’re Not Facing Your Grief

“So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.” ~ E.A. Bucchianeri One day life is great, things are normal, the sun is shining and your laughter comes freely. Then, not a split second later, you are faced with a loss so deep you do not know […]

MENtal Health: How are the Men in Your Life Doing?

“Men suffer a lot behind the mask of manliness.” —Vineet Aggarwal Last week I went out for TexMex with my closest friends. While we enjoyed our chips and salsa, everyone went around the table giving little updates about themselves and their families. When we got to my newlywed friend she told us how coparenting with […]

Therapist Help

I’m Not Crazy! Overcoming the Stigma Around Therapy

“In Hollywood if you don’t have a shrink, people think you’re crazy.” ~ Johnny Carson Imagine the following scenario: You go running and roll your ankle. You hear a pop and are in great pain. It turns black and blue and swells quickly. You are concerned it is broken or seriously torn, but you fear […]

Teen Mental Health - Cluff Counseling, Carrollton Therapist

Teen Mental Health: Recognize It, Talk About It, Care For It

1 in 5 teens lives with a mental health condition and less than half are receiving the support he/she needs. The fear of discrimination and being viewed as different by their friends and peers is a large barrier to young people receiving mental health services. Learn the warning signs and be aware of your teen’s […]