Teen Mental Health - Cluff Counseling, Carrollton Therapist

Teen Mental Health: Recognize It, Talk About It, Care For It

1 in 5 teens lives with a mental health condition and less than half are receiving the support he/she needs. The fear of discrimination and being viewed as different by their friends and peers is a large barrier to young people receiving mental health services. Learn the warning signs and be aware of your teen’s […]

Emotional Support Animals - Cluff Counseling - Lewisville Therapist

Emotional Support Animals At a Glance

Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are no ordinary pets! They serve to stabilize and/or maintain the emotional or mental health of their owner and their role is vital! I am a proponent for emotional support animals when they can truly fill an individual’s needs. Read on to learn more! It is estimated that 68% of U.S. […]

Cluff Counseling - The Beauty of Journaling

The Beauty of Journaling

Some of the most influential people in history kept detailed journals of their lives. Those journals are both a permanent record for posterity, as well as a cathartic release for the people writing them. Even if you don’t think you need either, keeping a journal has benefits you can enjoy immediately. Imagine you had a […]

Eating Disorders 101

Up to 30 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder. According to the National Eating Disorder Association, anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder. Understanding this epidemic is the first step to getting help–either for yourself or for someone you care about. Everywhere we look we see ads, movies, tv shows, […]

Reliving the Horrors - PTSD - Cluff Counseling, Trauma & EMDR Therapy

Reliving the Horrors: PTSD

PTSD is powerful and can change how people think, feel, act, interact with others, and see the world. It is estimated 8% or 24.4 million Americans will experience PTSD at a given time…that’s the entire state of Texas! PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder and can develop in someone who experiences a shocking, scary, or […]