ABCs of gratitude

November Gratitude: A Ruminators Guide to Being Content in the Now

“Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.” —Socrates We all have down days where we feel discouraged, defeated and troubled. Ruminating, however, is when we experience excessive, intrusive, and negative thoughts about experiences and feelings for an extended period of time. For example, a person with a history of trauma may be unable to […]

Gratitude 2020

Finding Gratitude for 2020

“Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever.”  ~ Charlotte Brontë 2020 has been unlike any other year. We have seen a global pandemic, lockdowns, quarantines, political unrest, and a presidential election of scandalous proportions. On a more micro level, we have seen […]

The Bright Side to COVID-19

Despite the drawbacks and disappointment that have accompanied these unprecedented times, we can start to see the bright side of COVID and its unexpected effects.  I will be the first to admit that a worldwide pandemic has not exactly been the highlight of my year– in fact, it has been quite the opposite. From college […]

Finding Good News in Hard Times

“No matter how dark it gets, there is always good in the world.” ~ John Krasinski During the last few months, the news has been full of hard, heavy things: Sickness, death, sadness, unemployment, violence, heated political debates, rallies, inequality, food shortages, natural disasters, etc. It is so easy to get caught up in the […]

BE the Good

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Ghandi 2020 has been a year for the books. A worldwide pandemic, quarantine, layoffs, earthquakes, fires, demon locusts, food shortages, economic crises, George Floyd’s murder and the ensuing Black Lives Matter movement…the list goes on and on. As Melissa and I have […]