Healthy Brain, Happy Life

“The mind of man is capable of anything.” –Joseph Conrad There are certain things you and I have learned to do to take care of our bodies. These include brushing our teeth, washing hands, wearing sunscreen in the sun, eating a balanced diet, and trying to fit in regular exercise. There is so much knowledge […]

Intuitive Eating: Giving Your Body What It Wants

“Eating today has become this idea that the food on your fork can either kill you or cure you. It’s gotten to a point of almost religious fervor.” ~ Evelyn Tribole Babies cry, eat, and then stop sucking when they have had enough milk. Children naturally balance their food intake from day to day — […]

Living Your Best Life, ADHD Aside

“ADHD is not about knowing what to do, but about doing what one knows.” ~ Russell Barkley Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), previously known as ADD, can present challenges for adults across all areas of life. It can be taxing on your health, your job, and your personal and professional relationships. Your symptoms may lead […]

Avoiding the Silent Killer in Relationships

Many think the biggest causes of divorce are sex, money and communication…but those are often just the symptoms of a larger problem. This common cause of relationship dissatisfaction can be avoided with one simple tip.

Are You Robbing Yourself of Joy?

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt We all compare ourselves at times. Quite often, actually. When we are at the grocery store, we price match. Take something common, like cheese, for instance. If we want cheddar cheese, we will compare the cost across different brands but in the same size bag and […]