Blog Posts

Category: Trauma


Friendsgiving: When Friends Become Your Family

“Friends are the family you choose.” — Jess C. Scott Sandra’s Friendsgiving story is one several of us can relate to: She was far from home, and getting back to her family for Thanksgiving was not feasible. She decided to have her own gathering with people she was close to and wanted to be with.

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Legacy of Pain: Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Thea struggle is part of the story.” – Unknown You dream your whole life of becoming a parent. You find someone you care about and decide to take the leap of faith into parenthood. You are absolutely elated when that pregnancy test reads positive; every waking (and sleeping) moment thereafter revolves around all things baby–clothes,

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An Optimist’s Guide To Navigating Life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ~ Winston Churchill  Do you believe that good things will happen in the future? Do you expect things to work out for the best? Do you think that even good things can come from negative events–that challenges or obstacles

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Women Aren’t The Only Ones With Emotions

“Too many men I know experience shame because society places pressure on them to withhold emotion: emotion and sensitivity is weak. I have found the opposite is true: emotion and sensitivity is what makes us strong.” ~Natalie Brenner Recently I saw a teen male client who struggles with depression–although one would never guess it due

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self image

Love Your Body, Love Yourself!

“You can’t hate yourself happy. You can’t criticize yourself thin. You can’t shame yourself worthy. Real change begins with self-love and self-care.” — Jessica Ortner  Body positivity has been a looming topic for me because I can attest to the fact that body image is an ongoing struggle for each of us. This includes men;

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The Power of Self-talk

“The words you speak become the house you live in.”  ~ Hafiz We all have voices talking to us in our heads. Each is competing for our attention. Some of them are louder than others, some are more quiet. Some more convincing, others less believable. Learning to harness and amplify the positive voice(s) is an

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5 Easy Ways to Exercise More

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn You and I have all heard how great regular exercise is for you–how it can help you lose weight and feel happier. But if you are like many Americans, life is busy, you have a sedentary job, and it

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The Unseen Wounds of Verbal Abuse

“It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.”  ~ Aisha Mirza When the topic of abuse comes up, we typically think of hitting, punching, pushing, hurting, harming, black eyes and bruised bodies–the physical. Yet, there are other forms of abuse

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neuroplasticity and addiction recovery

Neuroplasticity and Addiction Recovery

“Our brains renew themselves throughout life to an extent previously not thought possible.” ~Michael S. Gazzanica The human brain is incredibly complex.  I recently wrote a blog post about the brain’s amazing ability to “learn new tricks.” I simply explained how synapses form new neural pathways, which leads to patterns and habits, and eventually forms

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mental health tips

Are You Aware of Your Mental Health?

“The experience I have had is that once you start talking about [your mental health struggles], you realize that actually you’re part of quite a big club.” — Prince Harry I love talking about mental health and I find it quite helpful and needful to talk about mental health with my clients, colleagues, friends and

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Kindness: Food for the Heart, Soul, and Mind

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart Around Christmastime, my friend went through the Chick-fil-A drive-thru and the car in front of her paid for her order. So she paid for the car behind her. The cashier told her

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Consent: What does it really mean?

“NO. Is a complete sentence.” ~ Anne Lamott I recently had a male client tell me that something had happened to him on a date and he had a hard time putting it into words. He was embarrassed to talk about it and said he felt yucky even just thinking about it. As he slowly

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