Cluff Counseling

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signs you need therapy

Check Your Engine Light: You May Be Due for Therapy

“Progress is not achieved by luck or accident but by working on yourself daily” ~Epictetus How many times have you been talking to friends/neighbors/family who casually mention that they should probably go to therapy? Whether they are being sarcastic or not, they bring up a good point…How do we know if we need to go

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signs you need therapy

Check Your Engine Light: You May Be Due for Therapy

“Progress is not achieved by luck or accident but by working on yourself daily” ~Epictetus How many times have you been talking to friends/neighbors/family who casually mention that they should probably go to therapy? Whether they are being sarcastic or not, they bring up a good point…How do we know if we need to go

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Simple Ways to Strengthen the Connection With the Man in Your Life

“Give him direct communication, respect, appreciation, food, and good lovin’, and he’ll do just about anything you wish.” ~ Dr. Laura Schlessinger With COVID-19, I have been thinking about the importance of relationships and how we can strengthen them. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how to strengthen your relationship with the woman

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conecting with spouse

Simple Ways to Strengthen the Connection With the Woman in Your Life

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tzu With all the uncertainty and stress that has come with 2020, you may have found yourself craving closeness with your loved ones more than ever before. This is because humans are wired for connection; it is part

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Mental Health

Planning During Unpredictable Times

“The mistake is thinking that there can be an antidote to the uncertainty.” ~David Levithan A dear friend of mine is currently unemployed, going through a divorce, moving homes, and experiencing the tumult that accompanies this pandemic. Her life is incredibly uncertain and difficult right now. I know many of my readers can relate, which

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Mental Health

To Go Back or Not to Go Back (to School)…That is the Question

“Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages.”  ~ George Washington Students, teachers, and parents have a million questions about the upcoming school year– Will we go back to school or will it be virtual? Or a combination? What happens if a student or teacher tests positive for coronavirus? Does the whole class quarantine? 

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Leaving Work at Work…Especially When Working From Home

“Flexible work boundaries often turn into ‘work without boundaries,’ compromising an employee’s and their family’s health and well-being.” ~ William Becker Many of us received a crash course in working from home recently. The belief that working from home would provide more leisure time during the day and allow us to be more productive has

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Mental Health

The Bright Side to COVID-19

Despite the drawbacks and disappointment that have accompanied these unprecedented times, we can start to see the bright side of COVID and its unexpected effects.  I will be the first to admit that a worldwide pandemic has not exactly been the highlight of my year– in fact, it has been quite the opposite. From college

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Melissa Cluff, MS, LMFT, CSAT

Melissa Cluff is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based in North Texas, providing face-to-face and telehealth therapy options to clients in Texas.