Finding Good News in Hard Times

“No matter how dark it gets, there is always good in the world.” ~ John Krasinski

During the last few months, the news has been full of hard, heavy things: Sickness, death, sadness, unemployment, violence, heated political debates, rallies, inequality, food shortages, natural disasters, etc. It is so easy to get caught up in the difficulties of 2020. Yet, through it all, there have been silent little worker bees going around doing good. If we try to find the good news amidst all our heartache, we will have some faith restored in humanity and we will have hope to continue onward through our hardships. 

At the beginning of COVID craziness, John Krasinski did a show on YouTube called, “SGN” (Some Good News) where he would highlight good people doing wonderful things during these hard times.  He featured a nine year-old who had missed Hamilton; he offered to fly her out to see it on Broadway, and then surprised her on the call with a private concert from the original Broadway cast (watch it here…it is amazing)!  This is what I keep coming back to time and time again as Coronavirus continues to influence and affect our lives: There is so much good still happening around us. No matter how dark things get, there are still so many amazing people out doing good and being good. This fact has brought me comfort and inspired me during these last few months. I want to follow John Krasinski and do my own version of SGN, “Some Good News,” by featuring a few stories of good news or good things that have transpired during the last few months.

Quarantine has been particularly difficult for children who no longer find themselves in school with their friends. I have been touched to hear of students doing sticker clubs or something of similar, where they keep in touch via snail mail. I have seen countless examples involving school faculty and administration going the extra mile to show their students they care about them. I have seen signs placed in graduates’ front yards, celebrating their milestone of graduating from high school. I have seen parade drive-bys (#socialdistancing) where teachers drive through neighborhoods honking and waving to their students. I have also seen students reach out to their teachers and leave flowers, treats, giftcards, and messages of gratitude in sidewalk chalk. 

Regardless of your feelings on policemen and/or defunding the police, we can all agree that the men and women of police forces across our nation have been in the spotlight as of late. I heard a neat story where a police officer’s friend was killed in riots, and he was understandably devastated and frightened for his own life. A group of this police officer’s neighbors quietly assembled a care package for the family; among the contributions were games, crackers, treats, a GrubHub gift card, puzzles, games, a blanket, a candle, flowers, custom patriotic artwork, and a card sending their love. The basket was dropped off to bring some light to this police officer and his family as they grieved and spent time together at home. 

During the quarantine there was a food shortage in a city in Utah. One woman called her husband after going to four grocery stores without finding any milk for her three children. As she left the grocery store, a couple was waiting for her. They said they had heard her on the phone and handed her a pack of two gallons of milk they had just purchased from Costco. This kind act meant more than this mother could put into words.

I have heard countless individuals and families say that this time together in quarantine has been a blessing for them/their family. I have two close friends who have suddenly had more time than ever before, and have suddenly been able to focus on relationships. One has a serious boyfriend, and one is now married. I have also heard of many families who have been able to spend extra time together like never before; they are cooking together, going on walks, playing games, being silly, learning, talking, teaching, and truly connecting with each other. For some, this has been a remarkable time of closeness. (I am very mindful, however, of the individuals who have had the opposite experience during quarantine. For those who find themselves in abusive relationships, quarantine has been hell. I ache for you and urge you to seek resources for help–help is available.)

Lastly, when Italy was ravaged by the virus, Italians took up art. They painted rainbows and wrote, “Andrà tutto bene” (everything will be alright), bringing color and unity to Italy.

These examples, and so many like it, are what we need to focus on as we continue warring through this pandemic. Yes, it is difficult and hard and unfair to have the rug ripped out from under us and lose life as we know it. But instead of focusing on that, let’s see the good around us, and strive to be the good when and where we can. I know that together we can make it through whatever difficulties 2020 throws at us!

(If you are alone, facing mental health issues, or abuse, please know that I am in your corner. By sharing these bright snippets of quarantine, I do not mean to minimalize how difficult it has been for many. Please know that I offer virtual as well as in-person sessions. Contact me today to schedule an appointment.)

Melissa Cluff is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based in North Texas, providing face-to-face and telehealth therapy options to clients in Texas.


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Melissa Cluff, MS, LMFT, CSAT

Melissa Cluff is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based in North Texas, providing face-to-face and telehealth therapy options to clients in Texas.